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rare liqueur PLUMCOT 375ml
  • rare liqueur PLUMCOT 375ml



    Naturally fermented wine made from fully tree-ripened fresh organic market Australian grown plumcots (destoned by hand prior to fermentation). This wine was made by the long fermentation method, followed by 22 years of aging prior to final bottling. Selected parcels from our 1993 vintage have been blended, providing a truly mellow drop for your enjoyment now. Bottled as a fortified style wine rather than a mildly flavoured fruit syrup as many non-fermented French style spirit-based liqueurs really are. Also, unlike Japanese and Asian style plumcot/ plum wine, this one really is fruit-driven without the intensity or bitterness of unripe fruit and kernels, often off-putting to the western pallet they are an acquired taste indeed...


    Natural plumcots have been known for hundreds of years in regions of the world growing plums and apricots from seed. The name plumcot was created by Luther Burbank one hundred years ago. These plumcots are the fresh fruit market type, not to be confused with the Asian "Ume" which are a kind of plumcot but very high in acid, intended for processing in many ways but never eaten as fresh fruit.

    Serve at room temperature, on its own or with cheese & dried fruit following a meal or as an aperitif chilled from the fridge.

    • Details:

      SKU 8, 18% alc/vol, 375 ml with Stelvin Lux closure, BRONZE medals Australian Fruit Wine Show 2019 and 2017 (Hobart), 1.03kg shipping weight

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