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rare liqueur APPLE 375ml
  • rare liqueur APPLE 375ml

    Naturally fermented wine made from tree-ripened fresh Australian
    grown Granny Smith apples. This wine was crafted using the long
    fermentation method followed by 22 years aging prior to bottling.
    Selected parcels from our 1993 vintage, have been blended providing a truly mellow drop for your enjoyment now. Bottled as a white Port style wine (rather than fruit flavoured syrup as per non-fermented spirit based liqueurs).

    Serve at room temperature, on its own or with cheese & dried fruit following a meal; as an aperitif chilled from the fridge (French tradition).
    • Details:

      SKU 24, 18% alc/vol, 375 ml with Stelvin closure, Limited availability as less than 70 bottles were produced, 1.03kg shipping weight

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